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Cheesecake bites proving the rule that mini desserts are 200% more irresistible. These are the facts, I just report them.

They say you can’t take it with you but I beg to frickin’ differ. This is just a small sampling of the treasures I found and lugged back from 🇵🇹. Summer menus happening rn.

I instantly love the first guest to dig in to an appetizer display. They are my people. #dontholdback .
#bareaders #saveurmag #goopmake #pursuepretty #inspiremyinstagram #f52grams #eattheworld #foodwinewomen #theartofslowliving #foodandwine #tastemade #eatincolor #gatheringslikethese #springcuisine #farmersmarketinspo #fromabove #cheflife #beautifulcuisines #verilymoment #lifeincolor #aperohour #privatechef #onmytable #eatlocal #farmtotable #onthepass #buzzfeast

Not much, hbu?
#bareaders #f52grams #onthepass #whatchefseat #wwllt #pbsfood #pursuepretty #sffoodie #buzzfeast #forkfeed #chefsroll #privatechef #visitmarin #feedfeed @thefeedfeed #thekitchn #gatheringslikethese #fromthepass #kitchenlife #thatsdarling #saveurmag #plantbased #eatclean #farmtotable #fromabove #loyaltolocal #🍕 #eatincolor #foodwinewomen #goopmake

Assembling seasonal crudités platters like it’s my job. Oh wait. .
#bareaders #f52grams #onthepass #whatchefseat #wwllt #pbsfood #pursuepretty #sffoodie #buzzfeast #forkfeed #chefsroll #privatechef #visitmarin #feedfeed @thefeedfeed #thekitchn #gatheringslikethese #fromthepass #kitchenlife #thatsdarling #saveurmag #plantbased #eatclean #farmtotable #fromabove #loyaltolocal #vegan #eatincolor #foodwinewomen #goopmake

Clients said “bread and butter, but make it fashion.” This is locally-sourced, handmade cultured butter by @ehadleyc (and soon-to-be @dailydriversf). The incredible flavor of this butter makes you realize the lies you’ve been sold by trash butter imposters your whole life. I topped it with some edible marigolds, fresh herbs, sumac and fennel pollen and served with @firebrandartisanbreads sourdough baguette. Yes, we are #peakmillennial #AGPD .
#foodandwine #bareaders #f52grams #onmytable #whatchefseat #wwllt #pbsfood #pursuepretty #sffoodie #heresmyfood #buzzfeast #forkfeed #chefsroll #privatechef #feedfeed @thefeedfeed #thekitchn #gatheringslikethese #fromthepass #ediblemarinandwinecountry #kitchenlife #saveurmag #farmtotable #fromabove #loyaltolocal #foodwinewomen #sfeats #onthepass

I always promise myself I’m going to take pictures in the amazing kitchen light @sophiejameswine. Then as service starts, I get dialed in and forget, so anyway, here’s the first course. Simply roasted rainbow carrots with toum, herb salad, feta, toasted seeds and aleppo pepper ✨🥕✨ ...and a promise to do better with the photography next time 😉

One of the keenest observations I’ve ever heard was “If it’s important to you, you’ll get it done,” ie, if you examine how people really spend their time, you’ll see where their values and priorities lie. It’s so true. So, anyway, I guess what I’m trying to say is I haven’t cleaned the house, planned my holiday menus or wrapped any presents, but goddamit, I found time to make a wreath. And post it. #alwaysbecrafting #yourewelcome .
#pursuepretty #crafty #theartofslowliving #abmhome #goopdo #foraged #staywild #lifeincolor #handmade #crafting #rshome #thoughtoftheday #wisewords

Be kind to your future self and make some damn sauce this weekend. #homegrown #tomatoseason #🍅 .
#foodandwine #bareaders #onmytable #wwllt #pbsfood #pursuepretty #buzzfeast #chefsroll #privatechef #thekitchn #kitchenlife #saveurmag #eatclean #foodwinewomen #farmersmarketinspo #vscofood #cheflife #goopmake #visitmarin #eatincolor #artofslowliving #mysummerkitchen #testkitchen #girlswithknives